Welcome to the Urban Virons blog!

We have put together some valuable informational resources from our 35 years of being in the horticultural industry to help you have beautiful looking landscaping, tidy grounds, less weeds, and ways on how to eradicate pests.

Known as “the name behind the scenery”, UrbanVirons has grown to become one of the largest landscaping and weed control service providers in South Australia. We welcome any landscaping and weed control services inquiry, large or small, long-term or short term. Talk to us about how we may be able to assist you with any horticultural maintenance issue you may have by visiting our website at http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

Happy Reading!


Leon Whitehead

How Each of Us Can Render Environmental Services

In every corner of the globe, the effects of climate change and global warming can be felt. Stories of severe storms that have destroyed countless of properties and have claimed hundreds of lives continue to surface. Newly developed strains of diseases and viruses are even blamed on the effects of the changes in our environment.

What Can We Do To Help?

Steps are now being taken by various sectors of the society to ensure that every factor that contributes to the decline of the state of the environment is being addressed. Some sectors conduct extensive studies on the proper care of the environment. Information dissemination is vital. With proper information, each individual can make a significant contribution in the campaign to save the environment. In some countries, conducting interactive activities like marathons and fun runs are great ways to encourage the involvement of the people. These activities are also a great source of additional funds that will further help in the cause of saving Mother Earth.


Recycling is also encouraged. Knowing the value of saving the earth’s resources, concerned individuals and institutions are constantly monitoring the use of such resources. Most households, business establishment and factory practice waste segregation. Businesses that recycle contaminated and hazardous materials help in converting huge amounts of waste materials from institutions such as factories and hospitals into reusable materials.

The presence of water treatment facilities in populated areas makes a huge contribution in making sure that precious water is never wasted in any manner. Such environmental services provide solutions to the ever-growing concerns of environment protection.

Government & Private Sector Cooperation

The continuous rise in the awareness of protecting and preserving the environment has allowed both the government and private sector to work together. New laws that affect the environment are being passed and implemented. Stricter penalties are being handed out to those who intentionally engage in activities that will further cause damage to the environment. 

Laws such as the Endangered Species Act, which determines how endangered species are being regulated, are being passed and implemented. Violation of such laws would mean severe punishments which may include huge fines and even jail time.

Doing Our Share

The care of the environment not only falls on the shoulders of government leaders and business owners. We are all expected to do our share. The use of the earth’s resources has a corresponding responsibility. The fact that the earth’s resources are diminishing is something that can no longer be denied. We shouldn’t take this lightly.

We should always keep in mind that whatever we do that affects the environment has an effect, not just in the present, but more so in the future state of the earth. With the cooperation of every sector of our society and every concerned individual, protecting the environment will no longer seem to be a massive task.
And if you’d like to find out how environmental management services can impact your property, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

Basic Applications of Spatial Data Management

Since time immemorial, people have relied on maps to help them get to their destinations. But times are changing and along with these changes, we need to embrace the fact that the things we have grown accustomed to must undergo some changes as well. Hence, GIS mapping was born. In laymen’s terms, GIS refers to a computerized cartographic system.
Through GIS mapping software, you can plot networks like railway lines, water supply, drainage, roads and a lot more. Most businesses and especially governmental institutions benefit from the use of GIS. Their operations become easier and faster. More than that, it streamlines their processes.
Viewing Data
Viewing data in a geospatial system can be done in three different ways. You can view data through the database where tables are stored, which makes for easy access, management and manipulation depending on what needs to be done to the information. Second is the map view which also happens to be sort of the “default” interface.
What’s cool about this map view is that you can actually see the features of a particular place clearly, from topography to terrain, and water supply lines to bus stations! Lastly, GIS maps afford users the model view. In this type of view, there are tools which users can use to draw new geographic models based on the data already on hand. This last view is ideal for when new projects are to be undertaken later on or when an existing project needs to be enhanced or improved.
GIS Mapping System Applications
Perhaps you want to find out what the basic applications of a GIS mapping system are. Well, spatial data management is particularly essential to urban planners and developers. Through the mapping software, they are able to analyze the road conditions and infrastructures in a certain place thus giving them an idea as to which areas need improvements and enhancements and also which places can further be developed.
In that way, geospatial software may also help the government branch involved in tourism since it can pinpoint locations that are ready for expansion to make way for more tourist attractions or if an already existing place can be considered such.
Disaster Coordination
Government and non-government organizations involved in disaster coordination would also benefit from geographic data logging and capture because it can provide them with valuable data especially when there are natural disasters plaguing an area. One classic example was the tsunami that struck Japan as a result of the magnitude 9 earthquake which rocked the country last March.
Through GIS, those in the government were able to detect the extent of the damage so they can extend much needed help and also gauge the scope of areas needing rehabilitation. Commercial entities also make use of geospatial software in their efforts to analyze market trends and make forecasts related to the performance and income generating possibilities of their companies.
So, if you want to know more about the importance of horticultural data through an effective  geographic information system services, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

Why Hiring Lawn Maintenance Service Provider is Beneficial in the Long Run

A well-maintained lawn can tell a lot about the owner of the house or the property. It creates a great first impression. Most homeowners would agree that having a well maintained lawn entails a lot of time and effort. It is in itself an investment.

But for those who hold full time jobs, having that picture perfect lawn is something that may not be plausible. At times, they would just hire someone to regularly mow their lawn. Although an efficient lawn mower may be used, lawn mowing is not the only problem that should be addressed.

Services Offered by Your Local Grounds Maintenance Company

For those who understand the importance of having regular maintenance for their lawn, they would most likely hire companies that provide professional lawn care services. These companies can provide services that would fit the needs of the homeowner. Upon receiving the homeowner’s call, a property maintenance company would send a representative that will assess the condition of the lawn.

Free Estimates

Most companies offer free estimates. They would determine if the soil on your lawn would be a good foundation in achieving the kind of lawn that the homeowner needs. Soil testing can be conducted and for most companies, soil testing is offered for free. After determining the state of the lawn soil, they will then identify which type of grass would thrive on your lawn depending on your geographical location.

After laying the grass, it would then be given the fertilizer it needs to ensure healthy grass growth and strong grass roots. It is important as well that small holes are placed on the lawn to enable air and water to circulate. The homeowner can also choose to have regular scheduled cleaning of their lawn to make it free from debris.

Landscaping Services

Residential property maintenance companies can also offer landscaping services. Depending on the size and the state of the lawn and on the preference of the homeowner, they can design the lawn that the homeowner wants. 

Basic lawn care is also taught. A properly maintained lawn does not just add beauty to a property; a properly maintained lawn also prevents the soil from eroding and fight pollution. It also helps increase the value of the property. A homeowner who has well-kept lawn and intends to sell his property will most likely attract potential buyers than those with ill-kept lawns.


Hiring property maintenance companies would appear expensive at first. It is up to the homeowner if he has the time and resources to keep his lawn well maintained. If not, then a property maintenance company can be his only option. What’s important is that the homeowner is aware of the fact that a well maintained property, or lawn for that matter, can prevent the occurrence of bigger and more costly problems in the future.
So now, if you would like to learn more information about how skills, knowledge and system work together towards quality grounds maintenance, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

What You Should Look for in a Garden Upkeep Service Provider

There may come a time when you will find yourself faced with the responsibility of looking after the upkeep of a house or a commercial building. That is not a far-fetched possibility. The exterior of a house or a building is the main thing that needs to be given proper attention when it comes to the maintenance.
That’s because it is the first thing that greets visitors and even passersby. In line with that, it’s important that you look for a commercial landscape service provider that can help you with the upkeep of your property. However, there are a lot of landscape companies operating these days so finding the best one is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Complete Service
Most of these companies, even those which offer the most basic lawn mowing services, are often only able to provide you with the simplest of services which means you still need to look elsewhere for another company that could take care of the other things your present provider was unable to address. But now, there are several companies which can offer you all-in-one service and these are even equipped to take care of other special needs you may have.
What Are The Things That A Good Service Provider Can Provide?
Obviously, the first item on the list is this – a landscape company should be able to give your lawn or garden expert care. No matter if it’s a house or a commercial property the provider must be able to render specialized attention. If it’s a commercial property you own, the group that would maintain the grounds must be able to give your building a professional, yet welcoming look. A capable company can do that with the right plants, flowers and a bit of decorating expertise.
The next item is the versatility of the company. Your provider must be able to do more than just mow the grass, leaving behind a well-manicured lawn in its wake. Instead, the staff must also be able to give attention to shrubberies and bushes. A house or a building almost always looks wonderful if there are a lot of greens embracing its exterior. Another thing is that the company must be able to turn a plain area in your garden or lawn into the focal point by creating a small landscape making use of materials already on hand.
All Season
Of course, a capable provider of garden care and maintenance must be able to get your lawn ready for the change of season, all the more so during winter time. Lastly, they must be able to incorporate a well-functioning irrigation system on your lawn especially since there are areas in it that are more susceptible to dryness. These are just some of the simple things you need to take note of when scouting for a good service provider.
And now, if you would like to get more ideas about what to look for in grounds maintenance Adelaide, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

Rainwater Tanks – Great Way to Conserve Water

Another way to save and conserve water is using rainwater tanks.  Also called rain barrels in America or water butts in the United Kingdom, rainwater tanks are used to collect and save rain water runoff, usually thru rain gutters from rooftops. They are devices used to collect and contain harvested rain.

The Many Uses of Rainwater Tanks

The main purpose of rainwater tanks is to collect rain water and save it for later use and self-sufficiency.  It also helps reduce water use for economic and environmental reasons. This water can be used for agricultural purposes, water gardens, flush toilets, washing cars, washing clothes, water storage for fire safety and can even be converted to drinking water especially when there is a scarcity of water or drinking water supply is of poor quality, expensive or not available.  When used for drinking water though, saved rainwater should be free from contamination and adequately filtered or cleaned.

Rainwater tanks can also be useful for storing storm water for later reuse. In places where climate is arid, rain barrels are frequently used during the rainy season to prepare for the drier season later on. There are even areas where the government strongly suggest and implement the use of rainwater tanks.

Though rainwater tanks may have an expensive initial cost, some people use small scale rain barrels when it comes to residential use. However, rainwater tanks intended for irrigation systems cannot be replaced by inexpensive wine and whiskey barrels. There are suppliers in Adelaide SA however that offers rain water tanks at reasonable prices. Irrigation rainwater tanks can be of high quality depending on whether or not you take the time to check and talk to local suppliers about it. There are manufacturers of water tanks in Australia itself that might provide the tanks at reasonable prices.  Some offer a service package of quality advice, installation and services.

Where to Find Rainwater Tanks

If you are planning on installing a rainwater tank for residential, gardening, farming, agricultural and industrial purposes, make sure you are equipped with ample information, advice, research on the installation requirements and accessories on rainwater harvesting. There are many available rainwater systems and rainwater online for purchase. They come in famous shapes, colors, sizes and brands. Harvesting rainwater is indeed one of the best ways to save water usage without jeopardizing your plants and crops.

Adelaide is fortunate enough to have existing companies in the area that support its agricultural and industrial activities. They can offer fast delivery of quality water tanks at relatively good prices. They make sure that rainwater storage requirements and solutions are available for you and shall see you through in case of water shortage and extended drought times.

And if you want more insights about how to find holistic solutions to water harvesting and irrigation Adelaide, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

The Truth About Landscaping and Finding a Good Landscape Artist

Just what exactly does landscaping mean? This question has probably been plaguing your mind ever since a good friend suggested that you should have your garden landscaped. All the while you thought that the basic gardening skills you apply to your garden can be considered a form of landscaping.

You are right at one point but there is more to landscaping than meets the eye. It involves more and this more can do a lot to enhance the overall look of your lawn or garden no matter if it is very spacious or modest in size. So back to the question set out at the onset: what is landscaping?

What Constitutes A Good Landscape Artist?

In essence, landscaping means the following: changing, enhancing or improving the appearance of a lawn or garden no matter where your garden is situated, be it in front of your house or at your backyard. Of course, as mentioned a while back, it still involves basic gardening skills however, on the whole, it includes incorporating certain elements to achieve a design that would amplify the look and add details to the appeal of your garden.

Armed with this knowledge, you probably have conceded to the fact that you cannot work on the landscaping of your garden on your own. Well, you would be glad to know that there are tons of landscape designers out there waiting to be found by you! As long as you and the landscape artist agree on a budget, the work can start on your garden.

The Right One for the Job

That raises anew the second question we mentioned at the get-go. What makes a good landscape artist and how do you know if the landscaper you are consulting with is the right person for the job? The first thing you need to check on is the landscape artist’s experience and professionalism. As much as possible you want a designer that would get it right the first time. If you have friends who had their lawns or gardens landscaped, ask them for referrals. Choose a landscaper with rates that fit your budget.

Believe it or not, there are plenty of designers out there who can do the job without charging too much. Make sure that your landscaper understands where you are coming from. Let them know what you want and ask if it will work. He is the expert, after all, so he can advise you appropriately. Always listen to what the artist has to say about the landscape design. He has been doing it for so long and it is his job, so he knows what’s best for your garden.

And now, I’d like to demonstrate how UrbanVirons can help you design and create beautiful looking landscaping Adelaide, get access to the Urban Group’s valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

How to Start a Landscaping Business

If you are looking for a viable and lucrative business venture, you might want to consider setting up a landscape services company. Unlike other business options, starting a landscape service provider business hardly requires any capital. You can just set up your office in the den or study of your house. If you already have a greenhouse, you can use that to store the plants you would need for the business. Also, it is one of the easiest businesses to start. You can start with your own garden and, once your friends and neighbors see how attractive your lawn is, they would definitely ask for your services. Your landscaping business will surely take off from there.

Of course, setting up a landscape services business will depend on whether it is something which interests you or not. If it does, then you’re good to go. If you happen to have a creative side or if you know a lot about horticulture and gardening per se, landscape services is a business you would surely succeed in. But as with everything else, there are a few things you need to consider prior to setting up shop. We will be discussing 3 of these things which probably encompass all aspects of the landscaping business you’re planning on.

Clear Concept.   First off, you need to have a clear idea or concept of what you want to do with your business and how you plan to execute your landscaping ideas. You need to have basic knowledge about gardening and landscaping. It would also be a good idea to read books or do some research on the Internet about the subject. Doing so would only make you more proficient as a landscape service provider. After that you may begin preparing the vehicle you will be using for the business and your tools, of course. Here’s a tip: if you are tight on budget, secure the more important tools first and just rent the rest. Once profits start to come in, then you can start investing on your own equipment.

Start-up Costs.  Second, consider the start-up cost of launching your landscaping business. Actually, there’s not much to mull over considering that the capital for this kind of business, as we have already covered earlier, isn’t too high. But a minimal amount is needed for buying or renting tools and equipment and also to take care of business licenses and other required paperwork prior to opening such a business. Most importantly, you need to have your landscaping business insured so that is something that would incur expenses as well.

Marketing.  Lastly, consider how you plan to market or promote your landscape services business. Although the most practical way to let others know about your business is by word-of-mouth, you may also consider visiting your neighbors personally to inform them of your new business. If you have a computer, you can print out flyers. Better yet, advertise your business through blogs or your social networking accounts.

And if you want more ideas on how to find the best landscaping services SA for your needs, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

Things You Need to Know About Pest Control

Pest control can be done either by yourself or by professionals, depending on the degree of infestation. Pests can take various forms and pest control measures are as varied as the pests. Here are some facts about pests and pest control:
  • What are pests?
Most of us if not all have encountered pests at some point or other, they can take the form of cockroaches you are trying to chase or chasing you, ants parading in your kitchen, flies buzzing around your sugar bowl, irritating mosquitoes that won’t let you sleep through the night peacefully, stinging bees that happen to get inside your house ready to attack you, rats that seem to be glad having meals from cable wires and papers which happen to be a business plan due for submission, or those worms that eat your much-awaited crops that you are growing in your backyard garden. It could be anything from aphids that eat your green veggies to grasshoppers in the rice fields.
  • What are types of pests?
Pests can disrupt human activity or the environment. You can find pests practically anywhere in your house, in your garden or in your office. In a larger scale, pests can destroy a business or source of living especially for those who are involved in agriculture.
  • What are the methods of pest control?
Pest control can be done easily without the help of a professional if it is still manageable. Some of the most common do-it-yourself pest control measures are trail traps or poison bait that can be used for rodents, some used natural plant or fruit extracts as spray for plant pests. There are also plenty of do-it-yourself products that you can use with easy-to-follow instructions.

Sometimes it can’t be done with home remedies anymore and you may need some help from pest control professionals, especially when the number of pests is too many to handle for a simple pest control remedy.

Pest control professionals are using three ways to manage or eliminate pests: non-chemical, chemical and biological. It is better to ask help from the professionals in order to know what type of application to use on various types of pests infestation.

Pest control could not be an easy task especially when you are dealing with stubborn pests. The only thing to remember is that in dealing with it, you must also remember that the means of eliminating them should not damage your property, the environment, and the people around you or yourself because if it does, then the pests are successful in their aim of bugging you.

And now that you have some idea, get more information about how to get the most effective pest control services for your specific environment, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

Tips in Taking Good Care of a Tree

Trees play a vital role in our environment and to every living creature, without trees we won’t even exist. They are nature’s air conditioners. Trees provide a lot of benefits which include providing shade and increasing value of a property. As a whole, it helps maintain the earth’s stability, and when the earth is stable, we can still live on it.

There are instances that we do need tree services to help us take good care of a tree or manage it. These tree care companies is more than willing to help not just in cutting or removing a tree but in growing and propagating it. They are the ones who know the importance of a tree.

Before considering hiring tree services, it is a much better idea to know how to take good care of a tree from its early years up to maturity.

Here are some tips to grow a healthy tree:

1. The very first thing to consider before planting a tree is to select the ones which are healthy with no wounds. Heavily pruned trees while still young may result to “sickly” trees in the future.

2. When planting a tree, always give ample space for its roots to grow and keep it shallow for it to grow fast.

3. Mulching is an important practice in keeping the tree healthy; wood chip or bask is scattered around the base of a tree to keep the moisture. Leaves, grass clippings, papers or cardboards may also be used as mulch.

4. Water is important to a tree but too much of it will cause damage, too. It softens the soil and it loses oxygen which will greatly affect the roots. A tree only needs approximately one inch of water every 10 to 15 days.

5. Fertilizers can help a tree but only when it is needed.

Taking good care of a tree requires a little patience; it is like a child that needs to be taken care of especially during the early years.

Hiring a Tree Services Company

When things get way out of hand, it is best to consider hiring trees services to handle the matter. Tree care companies do have arborists who are experts on trees and plants; they are professionals who can identify plants and trees diseases, they are experts in cutting or removing trees that needs to go, and they can also replant a tree to a much better location.

Whether we learn to take good care of a tree or hire trees services to do it for us, it is always important to remember that trees are important to each one of us.

And now that you understand, learn more about how to find quality tree services from those who truly care for your trees, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

Beware of a New Plant Pest

A new plant pest has been found in South Australia since January that poses a big threat and challenge to European elm trees.  The SA Research and Development Institute confirmed the identification of elm leaf beetle found at one of the trees in Malvern since this beetle feeds on elm leaves causing significant damage to elm trees in NSW, Victoria and northern Tasmania. 

This pest was first discovered on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria way back in 1989. Albeit few European elms including English elm and Golden elm exist today, they are regarded as stately deciduous and most beautiful trees.

What is the Elm Beetle Pest?

Although the elm beetle pest does not affect the Chinese and Japanese elms that are commonly planted, it is time to prepare and do something to save especially the European elms that it attacks. It is expected in late summer that the damage shall be more felt when the larvae and adult beetles feed on the leaves. There shall be “shot holes” left in the leaves that the adults eat, while the larvae strips the leaves’ tissue and leave them skeletonised, making the leaves become brown and fall prematurely as a mature tree can possibly defoliate in a warmer weather.

Pests in general can damage shrubs and trees, making them sick, decay or deteriorate.  Like human beings, trees also grow old and their death can be expedited by sickness caused by pests just like viruses do to humans.

Measures to for Pest Control & Prevention

Treatments for pests are already available and tree owners must remember that to protect their trees from premature and serious damage, it is always deemed necessary to take care of their tree and maintain its health and safety. They should take the needed control and protection so their trees shall stay alive and serve longer as expected.

Part of the tree’s maintenance is to detect if it has been sick and needs treatment. Regular checkup to diagnose tree problems is necessary. There are companies especially in the environment-conscious Adelaide who offer services like tree surgery for trees to be treated of diseases by bracing and pruning their branches as well as filling cavities.

Trunk Infections

Even if the trees look healthy and strong, they might already have trunk infections. If left undetected, they seem not to pose direct safety risk especially with their healthy-looking crowns.  They can survive for some more years and as the disease progresses, the margins of wounds progress too and the disease continues to kill the bark.

If the tree’s infection and disease is detected, tree surgery may be done by the professionals through trimming, dead wooding, branch removal, mulching, and storm damage chipping. The expert who can do this is also called a tree surgeon.

As for the elm beetle pests, the tree experts already have chemical treatment available and must be handled by the tree professionals themselves.

And now, I’d like to show you how to get help from tree services Adelaide even in emergency situations like storms and fires, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.

Things You Need to Know About Weeds and Weed Control

When you think of creating a beautiful garden in your yard while looking for something to do, you should know few facts about weeds and weed control. ‘Weeds’ is a term used for some plants that are not welcome in a place where you are trying to grow your favorite flowers, fruits or crops. This is how Answers.com defines weeds: “They (weeds) steal nutrients from the ground that would otherwise be available for the vegetables, fruit, or flowers that you are trying to grow.”
Even a dandelion can be considered by some as a weed but is also considered as an herb used as a diuretic and detoxifier. What most people consider as weeds may be based on a subjective point of view. So, performing weed control is usually because the unwanted plants hamper the growth of the plants you are trying to grow since the weeds reproduce aggressively.
By the time you have decided what to plant in your garden, you already know what weeds are. So here are common simple weed control practices done by gardeners and homeowners to get those weeds out: 

1.      Using your hand.

Pulling the weeds using your hands is the cheapest weed control method, especially when it involves only a garden and not a whole wide field. All you will invest is time and some sweat (it could be a good exercise!). It is a good method if you are trying to pull out weeds with shallow roots. The best way to do this is having a soft soil, either pulling out weeds the day after it rained or hosing the area, pulling weeds from a soft soil would ensure you include the roots so that weeds won’t grow back. 

2.      Using a gardening tool.

If you can’t do it with your hand, get a gardening tool to help you out, especially with weeds with long stems such as dandelions. The most common gardening tools used by some are garden hoe, a spade or winged weeder. This weed control technique is easier than pulling the weeds out by your hand, especially when you don’t like to have an exercise that could lead to breaking your back. 

3.      Using a chemical product.

If the weeds are too many to handle and the first two weed control methods are not applicable, you may opt for a chemical weed killer. However, chemical products should be used properly and not excessively. Before deciding in buying one, always ask the store selling it for proper directions.

Those are only few ways to get rid of weeds. Sometimes you can remove weeds by yourself but if weeds gets too wild (as they are wild plants), it’s better to ask help from weed control services.

So, if you would like to know even more about who to call for weedcontrol services in any type of environment, get access to Urban Virons’ valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au.