Basic Applications of Spatial Data Management

Since time immemorial, people have relied on maps to help them get to their destinations. But times are changing and along with these changes, we need to embrace the fact that the things we have grown accustomed to must undergo some changes as well. Hence, GIS mapping was born. In laymen’s terms, GIS refers to a computerized cartographic system.
Through GIS mapping software, you can plot networks like railway lines, water supply, drainage, roads and a lot more. Most businesses and especially governmental institutions benefit from the use of GIS. Their operations become easier and faster. More than that, it streamlines their processes.
Viewing Data
Viewing data in a geospatial system can be done in three different ways. You can view data through the database where tables are stored, which makes for easy access, management and manipulation depending on what needs to be done to the information. Second is the map view which also happens to be sort of the “default” interface.
What’s cool about this map view is that you can actually see the features of a particular place clearly, from topography to terrain, and water supply lines to bus stations! Lastly, GIS maps afford users the model view. In this type of view, there are tools which users can use to draw new geographic models based on the data already on hand. This last view is ideal for when new projects are to be undertaken later on or when an existing project needs to be enhanced or improved.
GIS Mapping System Applications
Perhaps you want to find out what the basic applications of a GIS mapping system are. Well, spatial data management is particularly essential to urban planners and developers. Through the mapping software, they are able to analyze the road conditions and infrastructures in a certain place thus giving them an idea as to which areas need improvements and enhancements and also which places can further be developed.
In that way, geospatial software may also help the government branch involved in tourism since it can pinpoint locations that are ready for expansion to make way for more tourist attractions or if an already existing place can be considered such.
Disaster Coordination
Government and non-government organizations involved in disaster coordination would also benefit from geographic data logging and capture because it can provide them with valuable data especially when there are natural disasters plaguing an area. One classic example was the tsunami that struck Japan as a result of the magnitude 9 earthquake which rocked the country last March.
Through GIS, those in the government were able to detect the extent of the damage so they can extend much needed help and also gauge the scope of areas needing rehabilitation. Commercial entities also make use of geospatial software in their efforts to analyze market trends and make forecasts related to the performance and income generating possibilities of their companies.
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